Episode 5

...Talking It Out

Published on: 9th June, 2021

Who among us hasn't struggled with writing a series of "She said...he asked...they cried...she exclaimed," treading the fine line between too repetitive and too esoteric? After her discomfort writing dialogue in her most recent writing exercise, Ana develops a piece that is ONLY dialogue, channeling her theater experience and memories of improv practice into a prompt that encapsulates a humorous, real conversation. The process causes her to reflect on her creative process, both in the present day as a writer and musician and its roots in her childhood play.

Originally recorded September 16, 2020.

“I wish you wouldn’t do that.”



“What did I do?”

“You sighed.”

“I sighed!? I don’t even remember doing it!”

“Doesn’t matter, you did it.”

“And you didn’t like it?”

“No. I hated it. With a fiery passion.”

“How fiery?”

“As fiery as the depths of hell. I felt it burning deep in my gut like those burning farts when you feel like your butthole is literally on fire.”

“Why is that?”

“Why is what? Why do I hate your sighing so much?”

“Ha ha, no. I mean yes, but no. Why do butt holes burn like that?”

“I don’t know, cause your insides are dying?”

“I thought it was more to do with caustic chemicals burning their way through your anus. Can’t you just see it?”

“Ick. That’s disgusting.”

“It’s true though! I mean why else would it happen?”

“You are deflecting.”

“Deflecting your farts?”

“No! Jesus. The whole reason we started this conversation. Stay on track!”

“So no more burning buttholes?”

“Seriously. Stop.”

“You hate my sighing. That’s where we started this and you haven’t exactly told me why.”

“I don’t know.”

“Oh come on. You can’t throw something at me like that and then retreat when I call you on it. Own it! Why don’t you like my sighing?”

“I…I feel like when you sigh like that, you are tired of me.”

“Tired of you? In what way?”

“I don’t know! I just feel like you are disappointed in me all the time and that you have these nonverbal that are infuriatingly passive and then I suddenly feel like I have to read into to understand why you are frustrated with me and…and it’s not fair!”

“Whoa, I had no idea. Seriously, my sighs are just that - just sighs. Why do you feel like you need to read into it?”

“Well, it always happens when we are talking about something that I am interested in and that you don’t agree with or aren’t that interested in the subject. It’s like you are obligated to hear me out but are annoyed that you are obligated.”

“Wow, I am only partially following. And - I am engaged and listening. I am rarely bored with you.”

“Oh yeah thanks dude.”

“Not like that! Of course there are times when I don’t follow you or aren’t entirely enthusiastic about a conversation but I never intentionally use sighs or groans or any other flippant nonverbals to passively express annoyance. Not even unintentionally. Now I might poke at you or rile you up but that is purely out of love.”

“Still 8 years old aren’t you?”


“I’m sorry I snapped at you. I guess I am feeling tender today and I just want you and your support and I feel like everyone was pissed at me today and I am bleeding like a stuck horse, and I want to scream and cry and run around the neighborhood waving my arms about like a mad woman.”

“I’d like to see that.”

“You would.”

“Come here. No come closer, closer. I’m not going to bite you! Ha ha not like last time no. I just want to feel you and tell you I love you.”

“I love you too. Jesus Christ was that you?!”

“Guess my insides are dying.”

“I preferred your sighing.”



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About the Podcast

The Pen Is...
Examining Life Through Writing
Amusing, introspective, and vulnerable conversations about writing as a creative outlet. Join hosts Ana and Hana as they discuss personal stories, practice writing exercises, and explore everyday life challenges through the art of writing. New episodes are released every Wednesday and are available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Stitcher. Also, we love hearing from listeners about their own experiences with writing! Please feel free to email us at anahanapodcast@gmail.com.

About your hosts

Ana Bradley

Profile picture for Ana Bradley
In the summer of 2020, Ana found herself navigating not only a pandemic but also her most pivotal, personal life changes to date. Upon transitioning her role in the nonprofit she co-founded, starting a new job, and looking down the barrel at the prospect of becoming a single mother, Ana re-kindles her friendship with her college roommate, Hana. Finding joy and comfort in their weekly conversations (quite a feat for the otherwise consistently infrequent communication patterns of days past) the pair decided it was time to honor their long-time dream of creating a podcast together. Throwing out podcast ideas ranging from vibrator reviews to rhyming word battles, the duo found common ground in the titillating world of writing and talking about said writing. When not writing pieces and talking about them, Ana can be found playing the same notes on a piano until inspiration strikes, poking at various stages of scat to identify the animal, and keeping up with her inquisitive and wise beyond-his-years 6-year-old son. She lives with her son, a cat named Furball, and a parakeet.

Hana Binder

Profile picture for Hana Binder
When Hana moved to Germany in March 2019 to live with her partner she had three goals: learn German, get better at cooking, and start a podcast. One year later, her language skills were pretty top-notch, her cooking skills less so, and her answer to friends' questions about the podcast was still "I'm working on it," which was code for "I'm not working on it." With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Hana discovered the secret to better cooking - meal delivery kits - and finally started thinking seriously about what kind of podcast she wanted to host. During her video chats with college best friend Ana, an idea started to take shape that would eventually become their show "The Pen Is...," followed eventually by her solo endeavor, "My Dilettante Life."
When she's not waiting tables at Regensburg's finest café or developing new pieces for her podcasts, Hana can be found tidying the world's smallest kitchen or walking her dog among the rolling hills of the Bavarian countryside.

Kjartan Einarsson

Profile picture for Kjartan Einarsson
A total geek, metalhead, and an avid reader of many genres, Julli is also a musician and an audiofreak and likes to dabble in technology. Currently living in Austria, Julli has traveled far and wide and has lived in 7 different countries for the past 15 years. It has been a wild ride that seems to not want to stop. Today, Julli is working towards certifications in IT Business Management and ServiceNow platform, not much metal there but hey, it's a living.